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Installation Manual

Web Service User Manual Software "MixVel (Миксвел) e-commerce platform"

Date: 30.01.2023

System Requirements

Minimum system requirements:

  • The official developer-supported version of the Windows or MacOS operating systems with installed updates.

  • The web browser from the specified list with the installed updates:

    • Google Chrome;
    • Yandex Browser;
    • Mozilla Firefox;
    • Safari;
    • Microsoft Edge;
    • Opera.
  • Screen Resolution at least 1366х768 px.

  • Processor:

    • Intel Pentium Celeron 1.8 GHz and above;

    • Intel Core 2 Duo or Arm 2,4 GHz and above for MacOS.

  • Random Access Memory - at least 2 GB.

  • Internet access at a rate of at least 2 Mbit/s.

Connection to "MixVel (Миксвел) e-commerce platform"

The following options for connecting to the Software "MixVel e-commerce platform" are possible:

After registration the users will get accesses to the MixVel Agency online Account and to the MixVel API.

Description of the workflow:

Getting Access to the DEMO-environment

To get access to the DEMO-environment it’s necessary to take the following steps:

  1. Register your Agency on the DEMO-stand. For this:

    a. Follow the link;

    b. On the authorization page click "Registration";

    c. Indicate the e-mail address, for which the full access to editing the Agency’s data will be provided;

    d. Choose the language (Russian / English);

    e. Read the terms of the MixVel Agency Online Account and tick the parameter "I agree with the Terms of the MixVel Agency Online Account usage";

    f. Click the button "To Register".

    As a result, an e-mail for the password set up will be sent to the indicated e-mail address.

  2. Open the e-mail and follow the link inside. On the opened page enter the password which you want to introduce. Duplicate it in the second field.

    (!) The password should contain at least one number ('0'-'9') and at least one capital letter ('A'-'Z').
    Press the button "Set up the password".

  3. On the opened authorization page insert the login (the e-mail address) and the password. Then press the button "Enter".

  4. On the opened page fill in the questionnaire.

    (!) In the field "The Sirena Travel Agency Code" enter the TCH Agency code – 2 numbers, 3 letters in Cyrillic. E.g., "12АБВ".
    Press the button "Send". A window for the confirmation code will pop up. An e-mail with the confirmation code will be sent.

  5. Open the e-mail and copy the confirmation code. Insert the code into the window, which popped up after the 4th step. Then click the button "Send". The Questionaire will be added and it will be sent to the manager for confirmation.

  6. After the Questionnaire confirmation comes to the e-mail address, which was indicated at registration, the login, the password and the Structure Unit ID for authentication at the DEMO-stand will be sent. MixVel API.

  7. In order to enter the MixVel Agency online Account, it’s necessary to follow the link Enter the login and the password, and click the button "Enter".

Getting Access to the PROD-environment

Preliminary terms for getting access to the PROD-environment:

  • TCH accreditation, if the Agency works in a neutral session;
  • having agreements with airlines in case the Agency is going to work in direct sessions;
  • making contract with JSC "Sirena-Travel", and making additional agreement to the contract on usage of the "E-Commerce Platform MixVel";
  • having terminals for JSC "Sirena-Travel".

To obtain allowance for PROD-access it’s necessary to take the following steps:

  1. In a neutral session (TCH) send a standard request for providing extra (new) terminals, and also for logins being attached to the existing credentials of POS and Internet POS:

    a. "Request for description/elimination of virtual agent pult in domestic automated systems of booking".

    b. "Request for description of virtual cashiers/operators in domestic automated systems of booking".

    Consulting of TCH is available after sending a request to the e-mail, or by phone +7 (495) 660-19-72.

  2. For work in a direct session:

    a. Send a request to the airline company a request for providing a POS for sessions of this airline.

    b. Inform the airline company, on which terminals of JSC "Sirena-Travel" the Agency is going to work in their sessions.

    c. If the Agency has no available terminals to work in direct session, then send a request to "Sirena-Travel" to create ones. In the request it’s necessary to point out the point of sale, allotted by the airline company.

    d. Apply to the airline company so that it sends a request to JSC "Sirena-Travel" with details on the point of sale and the terminals, on which the agency will work.

    (!) JSC "Sirena-Travel" will simultaneously run applications from the Agency and the airline company, which touch upon the work of the Agency in the direct session of this airline.

    (!) JSC "Sirena-Travel" will not run a request from the Agency without a simultaneous request from the airline company.

  3. Send a request to JSC «Sirena-Travel» for obtaining a special ClientID for work in every session using the soft "MixVel e-commerce Platform". In the request it’s necessary to describe the pair «terminal/operator» for the Agency’s web solutions with a link to the available credentials of the point of sale and the internet point of sale (for a neutral session).

    Consulting of JSC «Sirena-Travel» is available after sending a request to the e-mail agency@sirena-trаvе

  4. Run extra registration of the Agency for the PROD-stand using the e-mail address to which the full access to editing the Agency’s data is provided. All the questions may be sent to The software manager will verify the Questionnaire. After the Questionnaire is confirmed, the full version for the Agency’s work will be available.

  5. For access to MixVel API set up in the Agency Account the entities "Structure Units", "Session Credentials", "Applications", through which the work in TCH sessions and in direct sessions will be run. After they are set up, the login and the password for settings through the web account will be delivered to the e-mail which was indicated at registration (chapter 4). For more details see: "Web Agency User Manual".

  6. Set up access for each user, the way it’s described in "Web Agency User Manual".

  7. To provide non-stop work in a neutral session it is necessary to send an e-mail to TCH with request to add the Agency, its POS and Internet POS to MixVel. In the e-mail it is necessary to indicate the Application Code in MixVel web account, through which the work in TCH will be done. (see chapter 5). The code should be linked to the personal code of the operator. A scan of this should be sent to:

  8. Any questions regarding registration of Agencies on the PROD-stand, its access to the Agency MixVel Web Account, set up of applications, adding new users can be sent to the e-mail: