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Web Service Error Codes

General Provisions

Errors Meaning

Erors denoting unsuccessful performance of one or another operation. Errors have a global context,

Warnings meaning either partial execution of the operation or a message about the impossibility to perform the operation according to the established business processes, which is not an error.

Error levels

MixVel API provides for 3 levels of error transmission::

Level 1: Envelope/Body/Error/

Includes errors related to:

  1. Violation of the request format (fails to match the XSD scheme).

  2. Authorization (request not authorized).

level 2: Mixvel_[AirShopping]RS/Error

Such errors appear if the request is not fully processed.

This includes errors related to logical check of a request and request processing results, such as:

  • wrong departure dates;
  • negative number of passengers;
  • non-existent stations;
  • missing content;
  • etc.

Level 3 (Warning): Mixvel_[AirShopping]RS/Response/Warning

The request is processed, the result is submitted, but with a number of limitations.

Structures for Errors Transmission

MixVel API implements the following structure:

Picture 40

ErrorType — error logical type. Obtains meanings:

BadRequest — request error.

InternalServerError — error in the Mixvel API.

ProviderError is an error on the provider's side.

CanRetry — if it is possible to re-send the message. Takes values «true»/«false».

RetryAfter* — if CanRetry = true, the recommended number of seconds is indicated, after which it is necessary to resend the request.

TicketId —if Mixvel generates a ticket in the incident filing system, its identifier will be transmitted here.

Code — error code. Error codes are listed below in this manual.

DescText — a textual description of an error.

Errors code list

ErrorCode ErrorType ErrorDesc
I. Auth
1. MIX-100100001 BadRequest InvalidUsernameOrPassword
Wrong login or password
2. MIX-100100002 BadRequest AuthenticationFailed
This functionality is not available to you. Please contact support to check your access
II. Common
1. MIX-100100006 BadRequest BadXmlRequest
XML request not being recognised/resolved. + xmlExceptionMessage
2. MIX-100100005 BadRequest EnvelopeValidation
The request structure does not match XSD ({errorLevel}): {validationEvent.Message}
3. MIX-100100004 BadRequest DictionaryItemNotFound
Meaning ({standard}:{code}) of element {entityCode} missing from the codifiers. Refer to directories of MixVel
4. MIX-100100007 BadRequest OfferNotFound
Suggestions ({string.Join(',', invalidOfferIds)}) are not found or expired
5. MIX-100100003 BadRequest OperationNotAllowed
Method prohibited
6. MIX-100000001 InternalServerError OperationCancelledByUser
Request canceled by user
7. MIX-100200004 BadRequest RequestNotSupportedByProvider
Request does not supported by Provider: {requestError}
8. MIX-100100008 BadRequest RequestNotSupportedByProvider
Specified currency '{currency}' is not supported
9. MIX-100100009 BadRequest CurrencyNotAllowed
Specified currency '{currency}' is not set for this Department
10. MIX-100100010 BadRequest CurrencyNotAllowed
No currency is set for this Department
11. MIX-100100011 BadRequest Concurrency
Another operation is being performed in parallel on the requested resource.
12. MIX-100200002 InternalServerError InternalServiceError
Internal service error. Contact technical support (malfunction № {mixvelTraceId})
13. MIX-100200003 BadRequest OperationNotImplementedByProviderException
Operation not supported by vendor
14. MIX-100200001 InternalServerError ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable
Service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again in{retryAfterSec.ToString()} seconds
III. AirShopping
1. MIX-100102002 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
Search using Mixvel_LocationID is not currently supported. Repeat the request using IATA and TCH codes
2. MIX-100102003 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
Multiple entry of promotional codes is not currently supported
3. MIX-100102004 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
The total value of date ranges must not exceed {maxDateRange}
4. MIX-100102005 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
The number of infants allowed for free transportation exceeds the maximum number allowed per adult passenger
5. MIX-100102006 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
When specifying several ProgramCriteria, it is necessary to fill in OwnerCode for each program
6. MIX-100102007 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
Several ProgramCriteria are specified for one OwnerCode
7. MIX-100102008 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
To search by brand, you must additionally specify a filter by airline for each segment
8. MIX-100102009 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
OriginDestRefID {key} is not linked to OriginDestCriteria
9. MIX-100102010 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
The request does not indicate a single passenger (missing PaxList)
10. MIX-100102011 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
Passenger category not specified
11. MIX-100102001 BadRequest ViolateDepartureDate
Past departure date range
12. MIX-100102002 BadRequest ViolateDepartureDate
The departure date range is incorrect
13. MIX-100102012 BadRequest Simultaneous input is not allowed {nameof(ConnectionCriteriaType.MaximumConnectionQty)}='0' и {nameof(ConnectionCriteriaType.StationCriteria)}
IV. ServiceList
1. MIX-100104001 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
OfferRequest can only contain one Offer
V. OfferPrice
1. MIX-100103002 BadRequest PassengerNotFound
Passengers with IDs '{string.Join(" ", paxIds)}' not found
2. MIX-100103001 BadRequest OfferIdIsNotActual
Requested flights for OfferId {offerId} irrelevant. Try a different offer.
VI. OrderCreate
1. MIX-100107001 BadRequest OffersAlreadyReservedError
These offers have already been booked: {offerIds}
2. MIX-100107002 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The offer(s) ({offerIds}) in the request does not have a parent
3. MIX-100107003 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Requested OfferItemId(s) {offerItemIds} are not part of the offer
4. MIX-100107004 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The specified OfferItemId {offerItemIds} is not present in the request
5. MIX-100107005 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The PaxSegmentRefID {remarkPaxSegmentId} specified in the remark was not found in the booked offer
6. MIX-100107006 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The request does not include any phone number
7. MIX-100107007 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The request does not indicate a single passenger contact (no ContactInfoList)
8. MIX-100107008 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
In a remark '{remarkType.ToString()}' {(isRequired ? "" : "Not ")}Passenger connection required
9. MIX-100107009 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
In a remark '{remarkType.ToString()}' {(isRequired ? "" : "Not ")}segment connection required
10. MIX-100107010 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
In a remark '{remarkType}' {(isRequired ? "required" : "prohibited")} custom text
11. MIX-100107011 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
For the loyalty program {loyalty} it is necessary to indicate PaxSegmentRefID
12. MIX-100107012 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Bookings with one loyalty card for multiple offers are not currently supported
13. MIX-100107013 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Offers use different forms of payment
VII. OrderChange
1. MIX-100109001 BadRequest EnvelopeValidation
In the request structure OrderChange.Request.ChangeOrder.UpdateOrderItem it is permissible to indicate one of: AcceptOffer or DeleteOrderItemList.
2. MIX-100109002 BadRequest EnvelopeValidation
Return operations are only possible for paid orders..
3. MIX-100109003 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Offer(s) ({offerIds}) belong to the other parent
4. MIX-100109004 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Order(s) ({orderIds}) not found in the requested multicart
5. MIX-100109005 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Order {orderId} is in the 'Completed' status. It is not possible to change the data of the specified passengers in the order.
6. MIX-100109006 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The passenger category is not available for adding to the booking.
7. MIX-100109007 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
An error occurred while deleting passenger(s) data. The operation is not allowed.
8. MIX-100109008 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
This PaxID = '{paxId}' is not in the specified order
9. MIX-100109009 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The given PaxID = '{paxId}' is doubled
10. MIX-100109010 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Passenger contact ID given = '{contactId}' already specified in the order
11. MIX-100109011 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The PaxRefID '{paxId}' specified in the remark was not found in the order
12. MIX-100109012 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The PaxSegmentRefID '{paxSegmentId}' specified in the remark was not found in the order
13. MIX-100109013 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The specified remark '{type}' ({text}) was not found in the order
14. MIX-100109014 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The specified loyalty '{accountNumber}' was not found in the order. Execute OrderRetrieve to get the current order status
15. MIX-100109015 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The document '{docTypeRef}' specified for modification was not found
16. MIX-100109016 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The total cost of your refund calculation has changed. Repeat the calculation
17. MIX-100109017 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Order '{orderId}' is not associated with passenger '{paxRefId}'
18. MIX-100109018 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Manual return is only possible for all passengers of the order
19. MIX-100109019 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The given PaxID = '{paxId}', PaxSegmentID = '{paxSegmentId}' is doubled
20. MIX-100109020 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
For a manual exchange/return operation, it is necessary to transfer the segments requested to OrderReshopRQ
21. MIX-100109021 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The manual exchange/return estimate has been made for all order segments; please add cost details for the following segments: {string.Join(',', paxSegmentIds)}
22. MIX-100109022 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
It is forbidden to use negative values ​​in manual return
23. MIX-100109023 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
It is forbidden to use '{nameof(TaxOperationType)}.{nameof(TaxOperationType.Move)}' in a manual return
24. MIX-100109024 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Manual return is only possible for manual calculations
25. MIX-100109025 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Automatic refund is only possible for calculations in automatic mode
26. MIX-100109026 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
OrderItem = '{orderItemRefId}' not associated with EMD
27. MIX-100109027 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
For a manual EMD return operation, it is necessary to transfer the OrderItem requested toOrderReshopRQ
28. MIX-100109028 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The operation is not valid for OrderItemID: {string.Join(',', orderItemIds)}
29. MIX-100209 BadRequest InvalidSirenaUpgrade
The price for upgrading the service class has changed. Please try to submit the request for this order again.
VIII. OrderCancel
1. MIX-100110003 InconsistentRequestError NoOrdersToCancel
Coupon EMD for OrderItem = '{string.Join(',', orderItemIds)}' missing
2. MIX-1001100011 BadRequest NoOrdersToCancel
The multicart does not contain orders available for cancellation
3. MIX-100110004 BadRequest NoOrdersToCancel
The order does not contain EMD coupons available for cancellation
4. MIX-100110002 BadRequest OrderStatusMismatchError
The order has been changed, use the OrderRetrieve method and repeat the request if necessary
IX. Reshop
1. MIX-100111007 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
No form of payment specified
2. MIX-100111001 BadRequest PartialRefundNotSupported
Evaluation of return conditions is possible only for a fully paid Multicart
3. MIX-100111002 BadRequest OrderIsNotRefundable
Order returns are not allowed
4. MIX-100111003 BadRequest PassengerNotFound
Passenger {paxId} not found
5. MIX-100111004 BadRequest PassengerNotFound
Payment for exchange is allowed only for one passenger
6. MIX-100111005 BadRequest OrderIsAlreadyRefunded
Order {orderId} has already been returned
7. MIX-100111006 BadRequest MixOrderHasNoOrderToRefund
There are no orders for return in Multicart {mixOrderId}
8. MIX-100111008 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Document with type {docType} was not found on the passenger
9. MIX-100111009 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
This PaxSegmentID = '{paxSegmentRefId}' is duplicated
10. MIX-100111010 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Order '{orderId}' does not have paid tickets for exchange
11. MIX-100111011 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Order must be paid with '{orderId}' to evaluate return conditions
12. MIX-100111012 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
Specifying a form of payment when returning is prohibited
13. MIX-100111 BadRequest OrderUnPayed
The order has not been paid. The service for upgrading the service class is not available.
14. MIX-100211 BadRequest InvalidUpgradeTime
Error: the service for upgrading the service class is available no earlier than 24 hours before departure.
15. MIX-100212 BadRequest InvalidPricingForUpgrade
The price for upgrading the service class has changed. Please try to submit the request for this order again.
16. MIX-100213 BadRequest NoSvcForUpgrade
The service for upgrading the service class is not provided for this commercial offer.
17. MIX-100214 BadRequest NotEnoughSeats
Upgrading the service class is not possible for all passengers in the order. Please try to split the order.
18. MIX-100215 BadRequest OfferHasExpired
The offer's time limit has expired. Please try to start the procedure from the beginning.
19. MIX-100216 BadRequest CommonErrorUpgrade
Failed to carry out the Upgrade procedure. Please start from the Mixvel_OrderReshopRQ stage or try again later.
20. MIX-100217 BadRequest InconsistentRequestError
The requested OfferId {offerIds} does not belong to Upgrade.
21. MIX-100218 BadRequest InvalidUpgradeByMiles
Upgrade with miles is not available.
22. MIX-100219 BadRequest NotEnoughQuotas
The service for upgrading the service class cannot be provided because there is no quota for transporting an animal in a higher service class.
23. MIX-100220 BadRequest ConflictingServicesError0
The service for upgrading the service class cannot be processed because you have an incompatible service "ANIMAL IN NEIGHBORING SEAT." Please cancel this additional service and try to upgrade again.
24. MIX-100221 BadRequest ConflictingServicesError1
The service for upgrading the service class cannot be processed because you have an incompatible service "ADDITIONAL SEAT." Please cancel this additional service and try to upgrade again.
25. MIX-100222 BadRequest ConflictingServicesError2
The service for upgrading the service class cannot be processed because you have an incompatible service "CARRY-ON BAGGAGE." Please cancel this additional service and try to upgrade again.
26. MIX-100223 BadRequest ConflictingServicesError3
The service for upgrading the service class cannot be processed because you have an incompatible service "UNACCOMPANIED CHILD." Please cancel this additional service and try to upgrade again.
X. PriceCalendar
1. MIX-100006 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
FlightRequest can contain maximum 2 OriginDestCriteria
2. MIX-100006 BadRequest UnsupportedRequest
Price calendar using Exclude filter is not currently supported
XI. OrderPayment
1. MIX-107004 BadRequest MixOrderNotAllowed
The Order MixVel (ID = {mixOrderId}) submitted for payment does not correspond to the Order declared by the Agency
2. MIX-107005 BadRequest OrdersInFrozenState
Order MixVel (ID = {mixOrderId}) in the process of payment
3. MIX-107007 BadRequest OrdersAlreadyPayedWithDifferentFop
Flight segments have been canceled; Total value of your settlement for exchange has changed. Repeat calculation
4. MIX-112001 BadRequest MixOrderHasAlreadyBeenPaid
There are no orders for payment in the multicart
5. MIX-107006 BadRequest HasUnconfirmedServices
The order contains unconfirmed additional services, use the OrderRetrieve method to view it and repeat the request later
XII. PaymentValidation
1. MIX-107002 BadRequest InconsistentPaymentAmount
Payment amount ({paymentSum}) does not correspond to the full amount MixOrder ({orderSum})
2. MIX-107002 BadRequest InconsistentPaymentAmount
The specified form of payment does not match the form of payment for the created MixOrder
3. MIX-107003 BadRequest InconsistentPaymentCurCodes
Payment currency ({paymentCurCode}) does not match the currency MixOrder ({orderCurCode})
4. MIX-111005 BadRequest NotPaymentRequest
Payment request should not have PaxList specified
5. MIX-111005 BadRequest NotPaymentRequest
Only full payment allowed
6. MIX-111005 BadRequest NotPaymentRequest
For partial payment you must specify a list of orders
XIII. Common for orders
1. MIX-100005 BadRequest OrderNotFound
Order {orderId} was not found or has expired
2. MIX-100005 BadRequest OrderNotFound
Orders ({string.Join(',', orderIds)}) not found or expired
3. MIX-111001 BadRequest MixOrderNotFound
Multicart {mixOrderId} not found
4. MIX-111003 BadRequest OrderNotFoundByTicket
The order by ticket number {ticketNumber} was not found or has expired
5. MIX-111004 BadRequest OrdersNotInMixOrder
The following orders are not included in the Multicart: {string.Join(',', invalidOrderIds)}
  • Error "it isn't possible to get the seats": specifies that there are restrictions on booking made by the host. These restrictions are imposed by the airline.

  • Error «sale is prohibited»: specifies either the flight is closed or there are no seats. The answer also comes from the airline.